
MATThew Kok Hoong Jia (:

Nanhua High!!!!!!!! 101'05 201'06 302'07 402'08!

JJC 09S19

10/01/92 :P

I'm a crazy, fair-skinned monkey and I love my friends and family!



March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009




Wednesday, May 27, 2009

another tough week for me.
just when i thought i could relax a little after enduring all the lecture tests.
more and more tests keep springing up.
on top of that, my group's GPP is a total disaster.
so damn pissed with school.
heng i still got my friends :D
love you guys.

12:01 AM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

im very very very very tired.
what a week man.
so many tests at one go LOL.
but i feel very free and happy nowwww~~~~~
no link post.
well i have nothing to talk about anyway.
my life is boring o.O
im still contemplating whether to join sg idol or not haha
shit man.
i dont wanna be a clown on tv -.-
but i want to joinnnnnn.
but i dont wanna queue as well.
argh life sucks when there are so many opportunity costs.

12:40 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A strangled smile fell from your face
What kills me that I hurt you this way
The worst part is that I didn't even know
Now there's a million reasons for you to go
But if you can find a reason to stay

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
Believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes

She said "If we're gonna make this work
You gotta let me inside even though it hurts
Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see"
She said "Like it or not it's the way it's gotta be
You gotta love yourself if you can ever love me"

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know that I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
And give me a break
I'll keep us together, I know you deserve much better

But remember the time I told you the way that I felt
That I'd be lost without you and never find myself
Let's hold onto each other above everything else
Start over, start over

I'll do whatever it takes
To turn this around
I know what's at stake
I know I've let you down
And if you give me a chance
and believe that I can change
I'll keep us together whatever it takes

11:45 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

i'm feeling lost.
but whatever.
i'm feeling happy for you.

12:21 AM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm slowly getting closure,
I guess it's really over,
I'm finally gettin better.

Now i'm picking up the pieces
From spending all of these years
Putting my heart back together.

4:07 PM

it's time for me to be emo over my screwed life again.
these few months, life have had its ups and downs.
friends like MCP cheered me up, and were always there for me.
thanks guys.
not forgetting 402 as well,
i miss you all so badly, i can almost break down in tears and weep like a sissy.
but there are some things i must say.
all these while i kept saying 'i love nanhua','i love 402' and all.
and i really do.
but though i may say that,
i want to put this point forward. blatantly.
i MIND the fact that though i try so hard to change,
though i try so hard to be a better person so that people accept me,
i dont think it has made any difference. for some unknown reason.
be it me being too paranoid or what, i dont give a fuck. seriously.
i MIND what people say about me,
and i MIND the fact that most of my efforts have come to naught.

i'm known for being a stubborn 'megalomaniac'
i want 'power'
i always want to prove that im right,
and those who counter, wrong.
i DONT change easily.
but i have been FORCING myself to do so.
because i want to be a better person.
i want people to truly accept me for being who i am.

at this point, it is impossible to say something like, 'i define what i am'
that is just fucking bullshit.
the society defines us, and we ARE what they define us to be.
to someone who killed in the name of revenge,
there was nothing wrong with his doing.
but to the society, this is unacceptable.
and he must be punished. labelled as a criminal.

so many things have happened,
and thru it all, i KNOW that fact more than anything.
so here i am being genuine.
here i am trying to not fake a smile, but REALLY smile.
here i am trying so hard to be contented with life.
here i am, though hopeless, but still hoping,
that people would see me in a different light.
maybe i have not done enough.
maybe i seem fake.
maybe i give the feeling that once people accept me again,
i will revert back to the old me and take advantage of people once again.
and though i want to say that i dont care about all these,
i wont deny the very fact that i do.

i am just wishing that those who were once dear to me would never forget me,
and those whom i love will love me back.
it really doesnt matter if you hate me or not.
because i know i wouldnt hate you.
i've grown sick and tired of those things.
things which serve no other purpose but obsure the reason for my existence.
i live not only for myself, but for others as well.
if not i would have been dead long ago.
and the reason for my existence?
i wish for nothing but people around me to be happy.
so that i have the motivation to be happy as well.
yes i need motivation to be happy,
because i dont have/own anything 'innate' which makes me happy,
apart from my friends.
apart from YOU.
who cares, and reads my blog.

life in nanhua has been of such indescribable significance to me,
though it was only 4 short years.
so i apologize if i have offended you in any way.
i beg on my knees and seek your forgiveness.
and im totally sincere about it.
i really am. i really am. i really am. i really am.
i want to be able to wave to you when i see you on the street,
and you wave back. with a smile.

so let us start all over again;
and let all hatred be gone.
i want to be someone my friends can rely on.

so God, please.
don't let whatever unhappy stuff rob me of my beautiful, perfect memories of Nanhua.
i love you guys.
i love 402- every single classmate, every single subject teacher.
i look forward to seeing you guys again.

P.S. i know some of the stuff dont make sense, but i suck at expressing myself. so do try to understand it anyway LOLOLOL.


12:23 AM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

busy busy busy!!!!!!!!
well actually i still dont have a cca so im not that busy.
but whatever man LOL neneh
im kinda happy now :D
week 7 is coming to an end.
3 more weeks and i can finally have a good restttt.
though there will be many tests from week 8 onwards,
i guess a positive attitude will help me see through it :D:D:D:D
and the weekend is finally approaching.
cant wait for friday to see jere and gang wooooohoooooo~~~
cant wait for MCP outing on monday too!
hopefully there will be an S19 outing on sunday hahaha
wow my whole weekend will be burnt by entertainment haha
but i dont give a damnnnnnn
i believe in maintaining a healthy mind by having funnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL i dont know what im saying right now.
it probably doesnt make any sense at all.
okay enough nonsense i shall read my physics notes for tml's pre-lecture test.

9:31 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies