
MATThew Kok Hoong Jia (:

Nanhua High!!!!!!!! 101'05 201'06 302'07 402'08!

JJC 09S19

10/01/92 :P

I'm a crazy, fair-skinned monkey and I love my friends and family!



March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009




Monday, March 30, 2009

oh man.
didnt do anything over the weekends.
now i owe lots of homework LOL.
and i dont understand why is there a math test tomorrow,
when the teacher only finished going thru the tutorial today.
and i dont know what to blog about also,
because i currently HAVE NO LIFE AT ALLL!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!
stupid jc life.
hate it hate it hate it LOL.
im feeling asphyxiated.
i need to catch a breather.
but the holidays just ended not long ago -.-
RAHHHHHHHHHHHH i want to scream at MOE!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to abolish the whole singapore education system!!!!!!!
i think it's better if i stop whining and concentrate on my work.
maybe one day i will OWN MOE hahahahahaha
okay it's time to start skewering the mountainous workload i have alive.
til then, adieu~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:21 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hey guys!
Didnt post for a few days because i was, uh, well i didnt have the mood.
'Stay-home sundays suck _|_' hahaha yeah i agree with you nicky.
And apparently it bores the shit out of me also.
So, i decided to blog. About random stuff.
I dont know why but recently many people around me have been emoing lol.
And i have been emoing too.
But know this well people.
Life is full of ups and downs.
It is how we handle them which makes us different from other emo kids.
There is only a fine line between sadness and happiness,
and we can make ourselves happier if we stop harping on the bad stuff,
and look forward to the good stuff (:
Life will get better, thats for sure.
So let us all cheer up okay! LOL
Thanks to all those who have been listening to my woes and rantings haha.
I will be there for all of you when you need me also B-)
I think i am a great listener because i will never get irritated hahahahaha woooooooo!
Kay its time to mug. I have been lagging behind since eons ago and it has been bothering me for quite a while ): so i gotta do something about it hahaha.

Here's a random video to hopefully cheer you guys up LOL though it isnt some happy happy song or something.


1:45 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hey there! I missed 2 days of school because im sick, yet again -.- and im seriously lagging behind now. But anyway, i decided to post bo liao stuff because im so freaking bored lol. I was looking thru the files in my old comp and found this song by Evanescence: My Immortal. I transferred it to my new comp, listened to it, and guess what! That song made me super emo -.- LOL it's so cool to find old songs which make me feel nostalgic and emo LOL but anyway it's a really cool but sad song. SO, emo kias, you may want to listen to this song when your girlfriend/boyfriend leaves you and start slitting your wrist :D

My Immortal by Evanescence(with lyrics) :

1:40 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey there! Blogging now since im home early. Omg i really loathe school T.T irritating LOL. I cant believe i got 5.5/10 for my chem test. That was just totally unacceptable for me manxzxz.

Fell asleep only at around 4am last night because there were many things bothering me. Woke up and realized that i had a bad headache. I was kinda worried for the math test but i guess everything turned out quite alright (: . After the physics practical session, i took the early leave form and went home home earlier than the rest to have some rest before i start mugging for chem. FREAKK!!! Why are there so many bloody tests anyway lol we just took one before the term closed! ANYWAYYY, im feeling tired now so i shall have my rest muahahaha. Oh and uh, funjuin sent me this song last nite and i thought that the song lyrics related to me alot, so i shall share the song here hahaha. The title for the song is "Too serious, Too soon". It doesnt have a very nice and smooth melody, but who cares man, the lyrics are nice LOLOL.

4:10 PM

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cool i havent been blogging since friday. Had a really wonderful but tiring weekend. Went back to dance on friday but realized that there was only an unexpectedly small number of people who went back o.O ended up talking to leyi and sam for awhile then left soon because they reached at very lateeee LOL so lame. Made some random friends too hahaha. Then went to cityhall to find 402!!!!!! Ate at xin wang cafe omg walao i still dont think that the food was worth its price LOL. After that we went to chill at esplanade. Arthur Kok joined us too ahahahaha omg super funny. Went back at 11pm but ended up chatting at the clementi coffee shop til 1am. BANG BANG BANG WHO DIE? LOL rubbish. Went out with jere on sat to get my shoes and bag. We were supposed to go to O School to inquire about their lessons but we were a tad too late -.- HAHAHA then jere treated us to ben and jerry's :P :P Todayyyy went to the lib to mug. Did nothing much though. Didnt have the mood to study. Im prepared to do badly for tomorrow's math lecture test. RAHHH!!!!!!!! Im tired so i shall stop blogging and take a nap hehehe B-)

6:54 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

HEYOOOOOO!!!!!! Quite a boring day today. Woke up at 11am and had nothing to do at all. I was literally was bored to tears T.T THENN jeremiah saved me. He asked me to go mug with him. Went to bukit batok macs to mug with jere and mop at around 3pm. mugmugmug blahblahblah. Then we ate dinner at some weird chinese restaurant at West Mall LOL The wanton was damn damn bloody small omg i swear to god it was 1/3 the size of a ping pong ball -.- rahrahrah! Then took a train arounddddddddddddddd and went home. I had to hold my bladder for the whole ride home LOL it was crappy hahahaha. OKAY. It's a boring post because it's such a boring day today. I will have much more to blog about tomorrow haha. BYEEE~

12:10 AM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hey there! Im not feeling too good right now lol. I was happy yesterday, but it's the exact reverse today. I should stop hallucinating and dipping into the past; it's time to come back to the present and move on. This fleeting dream has ended. Feeling really emo right now dammit -.- i knew i shouldnt pin any hopes on it anymore. What's impossible is impossible. Soon i will realize that i dont need her and she doesnt need me. Maybe she already doesnt. I dont know. Just wondering how long it will take, and how long this effed up pain will last. Im eager to show the world that i have changed. Im keen to continue improving myself and not do things which i will regret. I really want to prove to her that im no longer the guy i used to be and im the right guy for her. But that will never happen i guess. I will never be given the chance to do so. It wouldnt, it will not, it never will. Seems like the only way i can obtain salvation is by letting go and stepping into the future bravely, and without any burden. That, i aspire to do LOL but for now it's emo emo emo... RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RUBBISH!!!!! i hate my life. i hate myself. i dont know what to do with myself. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. OKAY. MOVE ON MATTHEW ROY KOK HOONG JIA LOL! YES I CAN DO IT HAHAHA!!!!!

11:53 PM

YAY super tired but i feel that i should blog! Because im feeling very happy right now! Ethan Matthew Kok Hoong Jia feels like he has grown up!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA WOOOOO!! im crazehhhhhhhhh~~~~ BEBYEBYEBYE LOL HAHAHAHA

1:29 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

harlow! Nothing much to blog about today. Practically did nothing the whole day omg. Retarded and meaningless day LOL. Woke up at around 1pm. Had lunch blahblah then went to BPP to mug. I did only 1 math question omg LOL. Then mop in a way pangsehed me because he only arrived at 9pm and by that time i was already on the way home. Feeling dejected because i was rejected HAHAHAHAA. wow full of rubbish. I'm too tired to blog le. Stoning the whole day can really suck all the energy in me HAHA byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeexzxz

1:03 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

heyyyyyoooo~ had a great time yesterday! Thanks guys(mop,jos,zl,kiwi,derrick,sib,kj,hy,fj) for giving me such wonderful memories. Special thanks to sibyl and her dad for booking the hotel room! It was super duper kewlxzxz! Feeling lazy to recall and narrate what we did, but im sure the fun we had together can never be expressed in words~~~ LOL. But upon reaching home this afternoon i felt emooo T.T I dont know why as well. Maybe it was the emoness of the jay chou songs which made me emo too LOOL. Anyway anyway, i like the lyrics of this song by jay chou:


怎麽了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心 一一叙说着 你在不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
怎麽了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢

haiya. dont know whats wrong with me LOL. I just cant seem to let go. I cant seem even dare to love someone anymore. Im afraid of the pain it will cause lol. Omg i feel like shitxzxzxz totally. RAHHHHHHH! emoemoemeomeomoemoemo

10:23 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yayyyy! Had quite a fun time today though i'm still sick o.O Went to Nanhua to collect my O level cert at around 5pm. Played netball and talked to many old schoolmates :D felt a little emo because of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX but i guess i'm fineee. At least the pain is no longer as intense as before. After that i rushed over to BPP to have dinner with my primary school friends. Then chiong to esplanade to find zhiwei and friendxzxz. Talked alot of cok and made a few new friends LOL omg leyi ultimate stoneface LOLOL. Damn funny. Then continued to chat until like 11.40pm? I and smell missed the last train and cabbed home lol. Omg the midnite surcharge super super ex. Rah! Had a wonderrfullllll and meaningfulllll day today but am very shagged now T.T Gonna sleep soon! Addio~~~

12:41 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

RAHHHHHHHH. I'm getting very the frustration LOL. I cant do physics! Neither can i do chem! omg omg omg shit. Feeling so stressed now lol. How am i supposed to maintain consistent good work when i'm already dying now. Ahhhhhhhhh! Didn't go to school today because it was e-learning day. Woke up at 8am and started doing assignments online. The chemistry one really very ma fan lol. The econs one.. close 2 eyes also can do? omgwth 5 mcqs only hahahahahahaha dumb. The GP assignment was the only assignment worth doing imo. Then took 184 to BPP macs to study with vivien,mop and laukiwi. Didn't really do much work lol. But i guess it doesn't really matter. Had quite a fun time there LOL. Okay i shall not endeavour to blog super long posts and continue with my physics tutorial lol. I GIVE UP} DON'T GIVE UP! LOOLLL. Mr Oh you rock LOL!

11:22 PM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Heyo!! Feeling super sleepy and lazy to blog now but i shall not give in!! LOL. Had quite a boring tuesday. School ended at 3.30pm and i was too tired to join mop and kiwi at bpp macs to mug. So i decided to take a nap instead but soon my brother woke me up to play mahjong -.- and i lost a few bucks la walao. Totally not worth sacrificing my sleep for mahjong zzz. Okay i shall stop here. Too tired to continueeee. Shall go sleep soon byebye!

11:39 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm finally blogging properly after eons. This is my first time getting super serious about blogging. Just thought that it would be better to create a blog to update my friends about my life? Anyway, i had quite a meaningful day today. I FINISHED MY ECONS ESSAY HAHAHA. YES! I'm so proud of it! i wrote 4 looong pages :D but ended it abruptly lol. Did the self attempt questions of my chemistry tutorial. Had some problems with it. i regret taking mc on the day when there was a chem lecture T.T Did some math and physics as well, and i felt great! Now i notice the difference between listening and not listening during lessons LOL. 'Squandered' my secondary school days playing, now I'm finally mugging. Feels so weird but nice LOL. Still feeling kinda sad and lost though. Still experiencing that kinda ' devoid of everything ' feeling. But i gotta move on i guess. I must turn the painful past into something which spurs me and not something which ties me down! hooray!!!!!!!! LOL~!

To any of you who hates me: If you fortuitously do find this blog, please do not be childish and slander me right here, because you don't know me at all. I'm making myself very clear on the very first post. hoho i'm letting everyone know im hateful! :O

6:54 PM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

test test!

11:09 PM

Layout by Yiling of Anime Skies